Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Day

                We celebrate thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of every November. It was an official holiday in 1863. During the civil war when Abraham Lincoln was president. He made this an official national holiday because we needed to thank our fathers who are in heaven. This is why we celebrate thanksgiving because we need to thank them for everything they have done for us. Traditionally these days for us in California we have foods of season, charity, giving thanks, vacation and travel, parades, football, television, radio. All these things are what are traditional for us. Foods of the season which is we usually eat are roasted or baked turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn, various fall vegetables, and pumpkin pie. Everyone who celebrates thanksgiving usually eats turkey. This is so true that sometimes they refer thanksgiving to “turkey day.” Most communities have annual can food drives. They do these five days before thanksgiving so on Tuesday they can have something call Giving Tuesday. As thanksgiving says we thank everyone for everything. Religious folks thank god for everything. Thanksgiving is plainly for giving thanks for every single thing you have. When families’ vacation and travel they go see and unite with their family that is distant from them. In airlines and trains it is the busiest travel period because thanksgiving is a four-day or five-day weekend vacation in colleges and schools. In this time there are a lot of parades and celebration because as I said before they celebrate and thank everyone. Sometimes restaurants have specials on thanks giving and radios give a way things or rewards.

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